Public Health Dentistry


The department of Public Health Dentistry with a mobile dental bus, field work doctors, and qualified assistants make possible the absolutely free of charge services rendered in the rural camps. Many research projects, teachers training, Colgate Academia Programme, CDE programs,school screening camps, visits to primary health centers and enumerable field trips and dental treatment camps have been uThe department of Public Health Dentistry with a mobile dental bus, field work doctors, and qualified assistants make possible the absolutely free of charge services rendered in the rural camps in association with various NGOs like Rotary club, YMCA, Lions club etc. Many research projects, teachers training, Colgate Academia Programme, CDE programs, school screening camps, visits to primary health centers and enumerable field trips and dental treatment camps have been undertaken from the department from time to time. Audio visual aids like TV, DVD recorder and public addressing systems are used routinely to impart education on oral health. Radio Programme (Pushpavani Arogyam) is conducted by the department on Radio MACFAST 90.4 every Wednesdays  from 9-10am. This programme provides dental health education for the community and is a live programme where queries of patients are answered. The department has a museum which provides oral health education to the patients through posters, flipcharts, brochures and audio visual presentations. The Tobacco Cessation Centre provides counseling for patients who are addicted to tobacco and enables them to be free from the habit.