
Dr.Annie Kitty George

Designation: Professor

Department :Periodontics

Qualifications :MDS


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Indian Dental Association (IDA) award for ‘25 years of meritorious service to society through Dentistry’ received on 6th March 2019 2. Dr. K.L.Baby Award for Best scientific article in the Kerala Dental Journal in the year 2012 3. Best Clinical Paper at the 6th PG Workshop of the Indian Society of Periodontology on 14th-15th July 2007 4. Second best poster at 39th Kerala State Dental Conference in 2006 5. V.K. Mani award for highest marks in Prosthetic Dentistry at Final Year BDS examinations in 1992 6. IDA award for University topper at Final Year BDS examinations 7. IDA award for Best Outgoing Student from Govt. Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram in 1992

Kerala University topper at both undergraduate and postgraduate examinations